Friday, February 25, 2011

Link Time - Scollay Square

I was going to do a post on the late, great Scollay Square. I was going to, until I found this fabulous Scollay Square web site. Here's where Boston got turned upside down - and it was within my lifetime, if not in my experience. I can imagine a great college class covering just the evolution - and demise - of Scollay square. The information and photos offered on this site are so great, you could find yourself spending an entire night working through the different pages. Two thumbs up - all I've got - for this fine site.


  1. Hi Mark, I wanted to thank you for the kind words about my Scollay Square website. I'm going to link to your terrific blog from the site - keep up the great work.

  2. My pleasure. Your site is exactly what makes the internet great.

  3. Has anyone written a history of Scollay Square? Are there any markers in Government Center indicating the site of the former...Howard Street,etc.? Are there any books that can be purchased for $30 or less with photos of Scollay Square?

  4. Anonymous - please follow the link above to a great book about Scollay square.
